Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

As IETT, we are aware of our social and environmental responsibility in every areas that we are functioning for the needs of society. For to contribute to sustainable progress, to respond the needs of the globalizing world and 21. century, we are volunteer to collaborate coherent with passengers, employees, public, nongovernmental organizations and other share holders to contribute to people and environment.

We Are Dedicated; Based on 26000 Social Responsibility Standards Guide, we are continuing our activities based on our mission and policy of excellence for our primary goal, people. With our corporate structure and essential history we are working for the benefit of our society to become sustainable, transparent and permanent. 

We Are Equitable; IETT, protects right and justice as neutral; services are based on transparency, and equitable between share holders. 

We Trust and We Are Trusted; We are aware of our responsibilities, with our sensivity to environment and society we will keep being a role model without of any appeasement to go further.

Our Principle; As it was before family of IETT will hold ethical approach, corporate social responsibility projects can be answered by the principle of ISO 26000. Our purpose is transparency in the interest of share holders, legal rules, and to be respectful to behavioral norms and human rights in ethical approach.